A Phytotoxic Glycopeptide from Cultures of Corynebacterium insidiosum

Cultures of Corynebacterium insidiosum produce an extra-cellular phytotoxic glycopeptide that possesses the ability to wilt plant cuttings. Wilt induced by this glycopeptide is directly dependent upon time and upon concentration with measureable wilt occurring in 40 nm solutions in 1 hour. The organism produces 1.3 grams toxin/liter of culture medium. The toxin was purified, and the physical, chemical, and biological properties were measured. The glycopeptide has an empirical formula of C108H226O132N based on 1 atom of nitrogen. The molecular weight as estimated by light scattering and column gel chromatography indicated values approximating 5 × 106. The toxin does not dissociate into small molecular weight subunits when treated with 8 m urea or 30% pyridine.