Ambulante indirekte Blutdrucklangzeitmessung bei primärer und sekundärer Hypertonie

Ambulatory 24 hour blood pressure measurements were performed in 21 patients with various forms of secondary hypertension and were compared with the blood pressure profile of a matched group of patients with primary hypertension. Patients with renovascular (n=8) and renoparechymal hypertension (n=8), and with primary hyperaldosteronism (n=4) showed no significant fall in systolic blood pressure during the sleeping period (00-03 a.m.) and in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the early morning (06 a.m.) as compared with essential hypertensives. However, in a single case of hypertension due to coarctation of the aorta the 24 hour blood pressure profile is not different from essential hypertension. Thus, ambulatory 24 hour blood pressure recording is a good method for screening secondary forms of hypertension.