Carbohydrate levels inPatella

The limited observations available on blood sugar levels of Mollusca suggest that they are very low. Values of 2–14 mg % glucose have been reported for Aplysia (see Kisch, 1929; Berthoumeyroux, 1935), and even the higher levels recorded for Octopus and Sepia species by Bierry & Giaja (1909), Berthoumeyroux (1935) and Derrien (1938) range only from 20 to 32 mg % glucose. The majority of these blood sugar analyses were based on the Hagedorn & Jensen (1923) technique. Landgrebe & Munday (1954) have shown that this technique may have an inherent blank error of 5 mg % glucose equivalent, and consequently it is not a suitable method for critical analyses of these low molluscan blood sugar levels.