Studies on the Development of Tuberculin Sensitivity in Immunized Guinea Pigs with Demonstration of a Close Relationship between Results of Skin Tests and the Lymphocyte Transformation Technique

The development of tuberculin sensitivity in groups of guinea pigs immunized with living BCG vaccine or with heat-killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis suspended in oil (TB) was measured by skin tests and lymphocyte transformation (LT) tests with tuberculin PPD. LT tests on lymphocytes from peripheral blood (PBL) and lymph nodes (LNL) and skin tests were carried out on different groups of guinea pigs for 1 year following immunization. Three ways of expressing the LT results were considered, i.e. as stimulation index, iΔ cpm and uncorrected cpm values. Since neither of the first two methods were equally applicable to all of the data, we decided to express the data as geometric means of cpm values for stimulated and control cultures, respectively. For both immunogens the sensitivity measured by PBL LT and skin tests showed a closely parallel development; LNL reactivity appeared earlier and remained at a higher level than PBL reactivity. Antibody levels in the guinea pigs were measured using a radioimmunoassay technique, were found to be dependent on the immunization period and not correlated to the cellular immunity.

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