Using the renormalization-group method, numerical results, and analytical arguments, we obtain the universal metric properties of one-dimensional iterated maps which exhibit period doublings. Such maps can be classified according to their behaviors around the extremum. For maps with the extremum (at x=0) of the symmetric form f(x)|x|zb(x), with z>1, where the function b(x) modifies |x|z by less than any power of |x|, the quantitative universal properties of the perioddoubling approach to chaos is described for asymptotically large n, by δn=(λnλn1)(λn+1λn)=δ[1+ε(n)τlnα] and αn=dndn+1=α[1+ε(n)κ1nα], where λn is the value of the parameter at the nth period-doubling bifurcation, dn is the typical distance from the extremum at the nth bifurcation point, and ε(n)=[lnb(x)ln|x|]|x|αn, where terms of order n2 are neglected. Here δ, α, κ, and τ are all functions of z only; they obey the relations dlnαdz=κlnα and dlnδdz=τlnα, where α and δ are the Feigenbaum constants. In particular, for f(x)|x|z|ln(x2)|p  |ln|ln(x2)| |q, where z>1, then dnαnnκp(lnn)κq and λλnδnnτp(lnn)τq, where λ is the critical value of the parameter beyond which is chaos. For z=2, α=2.50291, δ=4.66920, κ=0.44453, and τ=0.36954. For the sake of completeness, an analysis of maps with asymmetric extrema is also presented. In this case, α and δ are functions of z as well as the size of the asymmetry.

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