Theory of the Spin and Charge Distribution in Aromatic Ion Radicals; Application to the Naphthalene Negative Ion

The valenceā€bond method is extended to positiveā€ and negativeā€ion radicals. General formulas for the required energy, overlap, spinā€density, and chargeā€density matrices are developed and specialized to pielectron systems. An application of the method to the pi electrons of the naphthalene negative ion is given. Included in the calculation are all unexcited structures with the negative charge in each of the ten possible positions. When approximate exchange and transfer integrals are used to determine the coefficients of valenceā€bond structures, the Ī± to Ī² position spinā€density ratio is found to be equal to 2.60, in good agreement with the ``experimental'' value of 2.65. The magnitudes of the calculated spin densities are such that a Q of ā€”26.3 gauss is required to obtain the measured hyperfine splittings. To test the validity of these valenceā€bond results, their sensitivity to the molecular integral values is examined. Also, comparisons with a variety of molecularā€orbital calculations are given. It is of considerable interest that the charge distributions obtained from the valenceā€bond theory and the molecularā€orbital theory are very different in spite of the similarity of the spin distributions calculated by the two methods.

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