The report is a broad survey of the conservation status of South African vegetation. Data and maps show the distribution and total areas of conserved lands by the various conservation agencies, the size structure of nature reserves, the areas and percentages of conserved areas in relation to the 70 veld types and seven main vegetation types into which South Africa was divided by Acocks (1953), and important conservation requirements in the Bantu Homelands. Major conservation deficiencies lie in the Karoo and Karroid Bushveld and Grassland Types of vegetation, where 42 veld types have none or virtually no conservation, and in the Tropical Bush and Savanna Types to which-belong nine of the 10 remaining veld types extremely lacking in conservation. Additional reserves are needed' to conserve certain important and local ecosystems and species in the remaining 18 veld types, especially the Sclerophyllous Bush (Macchia or Fynbos) and Temperate and Transitional Forest and Scrub Types, and in certain Coastal Tropical Forest and Thornveld Types. Apart from minor deficiencies, the conservation status is outstanding for six of these 18 veld types (up to 47 per cent under conservation), and very good for another six veld types.