Vectorcardiographic quantification of infarct size in baboons.

A vectorcardiographic method has been developed for determining the absolute size of myocardial infarcts in baboons resulting from coronary artery ligation. Spatial area (mvolt . msec) and voltage (mvolt) difference-vectors were obtained for 8 animals by measuring the voltage loss and temporal deviation from pre- to post-ligation McFee scalar leads. The difference vectors were then correlated with the absolute infarct volumes, which were derived by histological assessment 10 days after ligation. Absolute lesion sizes ranged from approximately 2 cc to 14 cc, involving 10-30% of ventricular muscle mass. The correlation coefficient, r, for the area deviation index was 0.98 (SEE = +/- 0.24 cc); and for the voltage deviation index, r was 0.92 (SEE = +/- 0.51 cc). These results demonstrate that the severity of infarction can be accurately determined if prepathological vectorcardiograms are available.