Isotope effect of Co diffusion in amorphous Co76.7Fe2Nb14.3B7

Utilizing the radiotracers Co57 and Co60, we have investigated the isotope effect of Co diffusion in melt-spun amorphous Co76.7 Fe2 Nb14.3 B7 between 626 and 642 K. The ion-beam sputtering technique was employed for serial sectioning. For comparison, measurements were also carried out in fcc Co at 1049 K. The resulting isotope effect E≡(Dα/Dβ-1)/[(mβ/mα )1/2-1]=0.74±0.05 in polycrystalline Co is typical of diffusion via monovacancies in densely packed structures. In contrast, the extremely small value of E=0.1±0.01 obtained in amorphous Co76.7 Fe2 Nb14.3 B7 allows us to rule out a defect-mediated single-atomic-jump mechanism and is consistent with a diffusion mechanism involving about ten atomic masses.