Profitable dairying is dependent on good lactational and reproductive per- formance. The specific management and selection goals that optimize yield per day since 2 yr of age, potential long life, and reproductive rate to maximize profit need more study. Effective dairy herd management re- quires skillful decisions that combine husbandry, biological, and economic facts and principles. Reliable infolmation provided by records reduces the risk of choosing a faulty course of management action. Records provide management with facts to assess goal progress; to design, monitor, implement, and evalu- ate the management plan; and to detect and diagnose emerging management and health problems. A well-designed dairy herd record system provides the needed up-to-date information and is simple and convenient to use. The type of record system is not as important as the infolanation contained and consistency with which it is used. The record keeping task should be shared by all: manager, labor force, veterinarian, AI technieian, and DHI supervisor. Computers provide valuable and efficient assistance in organizing,