Linear Viscoelasticity in Entangling Polymer Systems

Molecular models for polymers, such as the Rouse model, yield steady state shear compliance Je and terminal relaxation time τmax of the forms Je, ∝M / cRT and τmax∝ηM / cRT , in which c is the polymer concentration, M is the molecular weight, and η is the zero shear viscosity. Recent experiments have shown that in entangling systems these forms change, becoming Je∝ / c2RT and τmax∝η / c2RT . It is proposed here that the changes are a consequence of the highly uncorrelated nature of entanglement drag interactions, as opposed to the smoothly varying interactions inherent in the Rouse analysis. A new model is proposed to account for this difference. The resulting predictions are consistent with the experimental forms of G′(ω), G″(ω) , and G(t) as well as those of θmax and Je . The molecular weight between entanglement points, Me , was estimated from several different viscoelastic properties of undiluted polystyrene. With the exception of that from Je , similar values of Me were obtained in all cases. Calculations of Je for mixtures of two molecular weights MA and MB were made with and without the assumption of an uniformly effective drage coefficient. The former predicted an unrealistically weak dependence on polydispersity; the latter agreed with experimental results for cases in which MB / MA was in the range of 2, but overestimated the effects of polydispersity when the difference in molecular weights was greater.

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