Data on CC14 administered to 16 ovariectomized rats subcut., 13 by mouth and to 76 by gavage indicate that the latter is the most effective lethal and sublethal route. When a sublethal dose of CCh was administered to 15 ovariectomized rats of one strain and 13 of another no significant increase in the % of positive smears occurred. The adm. of 0.5 [gamma] of estrone subcut. after CCl4 by gavage led to a significant increase over controls of the % of positive smears in 11 rats of 1 strain and in 11 rats of a 2d strain. The effectiveness of the administered estrone was increased by about 80% in strain A. Liver damage by CCl4 does not reveal the presence of endogenous extraovarian estrogen in spayed animals but does increase the effectiveness of administered estrogen presumably by interfering with detoxification.

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