The response of a system of spin-1 nuclei to sequences of three r.f. pulses is calculated using the Redfield density matrix equation. The system is taken to be in a large homogeneous B 0 field and subject to both weak secular and time-dependent quadrupole couplings. Two sequences of pulses are considered, these being represented as 90° x -τ-θ° y -T-Θ° y -t →, where for sequence I, θ° y = Θ° y = 45° y ; whilst for sequence II, θ° y = Θ° y = 90° y ; the subscripts x, y referring to axes in the usual rotating reference frame. Expressions are obtained for the signals following the third pulse in terms of the time intervals, τ, T and t and the parameters characterizing the quadrupolar interactions. In the case of sequence I, often referred to as the Jeener-Broekaert sequence, it is shown that when the second pulse is applied at a zero-crossing of the on-resonance free induction decay, the 90° x -τ-45° y pulse pair is adiabatic in its effect, i.e. the total entropy of the spin system is conserved. It is shown that three-quarters of the Zeeman polarization in the laboratory frame is transformed by this sequence into order in the zero-field quadrupolar levels in the rotating frame there producing a very low effective spin-temperature. The remaining quarter of the Zeeman polarization appears as coherence in the double-quantum states. These results are compared with the predictions of conventional spin-temperature theory, as normally used in discussion of solids, and it is found that the spin-temperature theory agrees quantitatively with the Redfield theory in so far as the transfer of order to the zero-field rotating-frame quadrupole levels is concerned but does not account for the double-quantum coherence. It is shown that this is because conventional spin-temperature theory assumes a diagonal spin-density matrix. Experimental verification of the main features of the theoretical results is presented in the form of measurements on the 2D nuclei in the magnetically orientable lamellar phase of the caesium perfluoro-octanoate/D2O system.