A comparison of kinetic and fluid models of the positive column of discharges in inert gases

The models of a positive column of an inert gas discharge at low pressures and small currents are developed in the frameworks of nonlocal kinetic and local fluid theories. Both models are based on the joint solution of the corresponding kinetic equation, ion-motion equation and Poisson equation that permit one to describe bulk plasma and near-wall sheaths of space charge. The theories differ principally in the descriptions of the electron component of a plasma. In the fluid theory the radial flux of electrons is a combination of field and diffusive fluxes, but in the kinetic model a similar representation is impossible. A comparison of the distribution functions and macroscopic properties calculated by kinetic and fluid theories for the discharge under the same conditions is performed. This comparison is carried out for the models of the positive column developed under the assumption of plasma quasi-neutrality and with regard to the deviations from quasi-neutrality. The use of the fluid theory beyond its application range (low pressures and small currents) does not reflect the physical picture of discharge sustenance and leads to incorrect results with respect to several parameters.