Circulating Estradiol, Estrone and Gonadotropin Levels Following the Administration of Orally Active 17?-Estradiol in Postmenopausal Women

Ingestion of a single tablet containing 2 mg micronized 17beta-estradiol (E-2) produced marked increases in the serum concentrations of E-2 and estrone (E-1) in 9 postmenopausal women. The rise in circulating E-2 became significant within 2 h, reached a maximum (110 pg/ML; 437% increase) at 5 h, and remained significantly elevated at 8 h posttreatment. By 24 h, the serum E-2 concentration was not significantly different than baseline. In contrast, a more rapid (within 1 h) and pronounced (4-fold) increase in the serum concentration of E-1 was observed. This rise continued until a peak (467 pg/ml; 2000%) was reached 6 h posttreatment. Thereafter, the serum E-1 concentration declined progressively but was still significantly elevated (140 pg/ml; P smaller than 0.01) 24 h after treatment. Serum concentrations of FSH AND LH were significantly decreased within 6 and 3 h, respectively and both gonadotropins remained significantly suppressed 24 h following the ingestion of E-2. The ratios of circulating E-1: E-2 reported herein (ca. 3-6) were much higher than those observed by other investigators following iv E-2 (I.E., smaller than 1). Thus the data indicate that micronized E-2 peros is readily absorbed and that during this process a significant portion of the hormone is converted to E-1 by the gstrointestinal tract. In addition, 2 mg oral E-2 exerts significant biologic activity as assessed by serum gonadotropin suppression.