Attitudes toward abortion and prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormalities: Implications for educational programs

Genetic counseling, second trimester amniocentesis, reliable techniques for analyzing fetal amniotic fluid and selective abortion together have the potential to prevent a variety of serious birth defects. Advances in technique and/or changing patterns of childbearing may place a large number of women in age groups where genetic counseling programs are recommended. However, attitudes toward abortion may be a critical variable in ascertaining the potential of genetic counseling programs to reduce birth defects. If opposition to abortion is based on a moral commitment, greater awareness of genetic counseling programs will lead to opposition to these programs. If attitudes toward abortion are based upon an evaluative process, such opposition is less likely to occur. Using a sample of women from the Rochester, New York, area (N = 1,616) whose attitudes toward abortion match U.S. estimates, we find that the greater the knowledge about prenatal screening, the less prevalent are attitudes opposed to abortion in circumstances necessary for birth defect reduction. This relationship holds when controlled for religion and family size. We conclude that educational and counseling programs concerning the potential benefits of prenatal screening are unlikely to arouse opposition to these programs.