Reverse Phase High Pressure Liquid Chromatography for the Separation of Peptide Hormone Diastereoisomers

Diastereoisomers of specifically labeled oxytocin derivatives were resolved using reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography. The peptides [1-hemi-DL-[α-2H]cystine]oxytocin, [6-hemi-DL-[α-2H]cystine]oxytocin, [2-DL-[α-2H]tyrosine]oxytocin and [8-DL-[2-13C]leucine]oxytocin were readily separated using the conditions described. The diastereoisomers of the oxytocin analog [3-DL-[2-13C]leucine]oxytocin also demonstrated baseline resolution under the same conditions. The procedure offers the investigator a rapid method for screening synthetic oxytocin peptides for undesirable diastereoisomeric by-products.