Addition of C3H8to slowly reacting mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen at 480°C

Analysis has been made of the reaction products formed when 1 % of C3H8 is added to slowly reacting mixtures of H2+O2 at 480°C. Three H2+O2 mixtures of widely varying composition have been examined in detail, and others in less detail. By determining the initial value of d[C3H6]/d[C2H4], the ratio of OH attack at primary and secondary C—H bonds has been estimated, as well as the ratio k25p/k27p= 1.2 × 103 l. mol–1. CH3CH2CH2= CH3+C2H4(27p) CH3CH2CH2+O2= C3H6+HO2(25p) From the published value of k27p, k25p= 3.7 × 107 l. mol–1 s–1. The corresponding values for the reactions of n-C3H7 radicals with O2 to give propene oxide and to give C2H5CHO, are estimated as 2.9 × 106 and 1.3 × 105 l. mol–1 s–1, respectively. Mechanisms for the formation of the other products, which include prop-2-en-1-al, CH3CHO, CH4 and HCHO, are also discussed.