Proton scattering fromMg24at 0.8 GeV

Angular distributions for the elastic and inelastic scattering of 800 MeV protons from Mg24 are presented. Results of distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) and coupled-channels (CC) analyses of the data for the 01+, 21+, 41+, and 61+ members of the ground state rotational band, the 22+, 32+, 42+, and 52+ members of the γ band and the 0+ member of the β band are discussed, and the effects of ground state deformation and multistep contributions are assessed. The DWBA calculations for the 41+ and 61+ angular distributions fail to even qualitatively reproduce the data, while a CC calculation, using a symmetric rotator model with quadrupole and hexadecapole ground state deformations, provides good fits for the 01+, 21+, and 41+ angular distributions. A CC calculation in which the ground band is coupled to the γ band, with an assumed asymmetric vibrational amplitude, gives a fair fit to the data for the 22+ state, but fails to fit the 32+, 42+, and 52+ data. This failure in the calculation may be due to the lack of a direct step to the 42+ state, as well as neglect of the spin-flip process. The result of coupling the ground band with the 6.43 MeV 0β+ state indicates that this axially symmetric deformed vibrational model may be essentially correct, but also seems to indicate that a direct 01+0β+ step needs to be considered, based on the behavior of the forward angle 0β+ data. Additional coupling of a 2β+ state does not dramatically improve the fit to the 0β+ data. The results obtained here from analyses of the 800 MeV data are compared with those obtained through analyses of lower energy data.