Biochemical characterization of the actions of chemotherapeutic agents

Strains of streptococci, of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and of Proteus morgani required different concs. of pantoyltaurine to inhibit growth in the presence of a given conc. of pantothenate. They all inactivated pantothenate during glycolysis, pantoyltaurine inhibited this inactivation. This was correlated with the concs. required for inhibition of growth. Of 14 compounds structurally related to pantothenate, 7 inhibited growth of hemo-lytic streptococci and also inhibited their inactivation of pantothenate, 5 affected neither process; while 2 which inhibited growth and were not antagonized by pantothenate, did not affect pantothenate inactivation. Compounds which inhibited pantothenate inactivation were all amides of pantoic acid, those not containing an intact and unsubstituted pantoic acid portion did not affect pantothenate inactivation.