Degradation of14c‐maneb in sediment from a Nicaraguan estuary

Sediment samples were collected at 5 sites in the Nicaraguan estuary “El Naranjo” in July 94 and September 94. The samples were incubated with 14C‐maneb (0.08 μg.g‐1 dw sediment), and evolved 14CO2 and residual 14C‐ETU in soil were measured. Mineralization kinetics of I4C‐maneb was best described with kinetic models which include growth of microorganisms. The amounts of 14C‐maneb mineralized were highest at the sites closest to the mouth of the river. No significant differences in degradation between July and September were seen. After 67 days between 9.73 and 16.18% of added 14C had evolved as 14CO2 in the July samples and after 150 days between 11.18 and 27.37% of added 14C had evolved as 14CO2 from the September samples. When 4.61–8.20% of added I4C was found in the soil extract, 0.00–2.72% was 14C‐ETU.