The need for longer hydrographic records than are now available on American streams, as disclosed by recent investigations dealing with floods and their various characteristics, has led the writer to a study of the records of foreign rivers. The paper affords only a brief summary of outstanding records or evidences regarding stream-flow trends of European and Asiatic rivers, and then undertakes the presentation of stages of the Nile River at the Roda gauge, in Cairo, Egypt, covering a period of thirteen centuries . Additional data, such as those procured at Aswan, dealing with both stages and volumes, and various versions of divergent data, are added to make the graphic representation as nearly complete as is practicable on one continuous chart. No attempt is made at this time to evaluate the data, as they are too numerous and complex to permit ready appraisals. The main purpose is a presentation of records, or some kind of derivation from actual observations, as a preliminary to further study by the profession.