Principle of General Q Covariance

In this paper the physical implications of quaternion quantum mechanics are further explored. In a quanternionic Hilbert space HQ , the lattice of subspaces has a symmetry group which is isomorphic to the group of all co‐unitary transformations in HQ . In contrast to the complex space HC (ordinary Hilbert space), this group is connected, while for HC it consists of two disconnected pieces. The subgroup of transformations in HQ which associates with every quaternion q of magnitude 1, the correspondence ψ → qψq−1 for all ψ∈HQ (called Q conjugations), is isomorphic to the three‐dimensional rotation group. We postulate the principle of Q covariance: The physical laws are invariant under Q conjugations. The full significance of this postulate is brought to light in localizable systems where it can be generalized to the principle of general Q covariance: Physical laws are invariant under general Q conjugations. Under the latter we understand conjugation transformations which vary continuously from point to point. The implementation of this principle forces us to construct a theory of parallel transport of quaternions. The notions of Q‐covariant derivative and Q curvature are natural consequences thereof. There is a further new structure built into the quaternionic frame through the equations of motion. These equations single out a purely imaginary quaternion η(x) which may be a continuous function of the space—time coordinates. It corresponds to the i in the Schrödinger equation of ordinary quantum mechanics. We consider η(x) as a fundamental field, much like the tensor gμν in the general theory of relativity. We give here a classical theory of this field by assuming the simplest invariant Lagrangian which can be constructed out of η and the covariant Q connection. It is shown that this theory describes three vector fields, two of them with mass and charge, and one massless and neutral. The latter is identifiable with the classical electromagnetic field.

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