Coccidioidal infection is no longer of uncommon occurrence. Up to the present time most of the cases occurring in this country have been reported from California. Undoubtedly the disease is more prevalent in that state, but evidence is accumulating which would indicate that foci of infection exist in other sections of the country as well; and when one considers the extent of cross country travel now going on it becomes apparent how easily the disease can be disseminated. It behooves physicians in every case of pulmonic infection not readily diagnosed to consider Coccidioides. This infection was first recognized in 1892 by Wernike1of Buenos Aires. Since Rixford2reported the first American case from California in 1894, 578 cases3with 278 deaths were recorded to June 26, 1939 in that state, the majority of cases coming from the San Joaquin Valley and Los Angeles County. Only an occasional