An Entomogenous Fungus on Acmaeops proteus (Kby.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

Records of diseases of Cerambycidae have appeared very infrequently in the literature. Crawshay (1907) described an unidentified disease of larvae of Tetropium gabrieli Weise. Garman (1921) and MacLeod (1954a) reported a fungus, Beauveria globulifera, a strain of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill., from adults of Cyllene robiniae (Forst.) and a larva of Acanthocinus aedilis (L.) respectively. Duffy (1953) recorded the fungi lsaria sp. on adults of Phryneta spinator (Fab.), and Entomophthora grylli on larvae of Saperda carcharias (L.). A wilt disease, suspected of being caused by a virus, was reported by Beeson (1931) in larvae of Celosterna scabrator Fab.) reared in glass tubes.

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