Development of the cranium and paired fins in the zebrafishDanio rerio (Ostariophysi, Cyprinidae)

Because of the genetic and developmental information available, Danio rerio stands out as a vertebrate model system in which significant progress in the areas of development and evolution can be made. Despite its increasing popularity, little research has been done on skeletal development. In this report, we provide developmental information on the structure and composition of the zebrafish skull, pectoral, and pelvic girdle. We describe the sequence of ossification of the skull and paired fins from a large series of cleared and Alizarin red-stained specimens at larval and adult stages. The most commonly followed developmental sequence in Danio rerio is described. Chondrocranial development is noted from Alcian blue-stained specimens. General trends in ossification patterns are examined from developmental, phylogenetic, and functional contexts. No clear pattern in ossification order of dermal versus cartilage bones is evident. Ossification sequence conforms to functional need in a general way, but there are inconsistencies in the details of order. Selected phylogenetic comparisons of ossification sequence within cranial regions are made among Danio rerio, Betta splendens, Oryzias latipes, and Barbus barbus. Greater sequence conservation is apparent between D. rerio and Barbus barbus, the ostariophysans, than among other taxon pairs. Intraspecific variation in ossification order is apparent, most of which involves small adjustments in timing.