Guidance Note: Risk Management of Workers With Medical Electronic Devices and Metallic Implants in Electromagnetic Fields

Medical electronic devices and metallic implants are found in an increasing number of workers. Industrial applications requiring intense electromagnetic fields (EMF) are growing and the potential risk of injurious interactions arising from EMF affecting devices or implants needs to be managed. Potential interactions include electromagnetic interference, displacement, and electrostimulation or heating of adjacent tissue, depending on the device or implant and the frequency of the fields. A guidance note, which uses a risk management framework, has been developed to give generic advice in (a) risk identification—implementing procedures to identify workers with implants and to characterise EMF exposure within a workplace; (b) risk assessment—integrating the characteristics of devices, the anatomical localisation of implants, occupational hygiene data, and application of basic physics principles; and (c) risk control—advising the worker and employer regarding safety and any necessary changes to work practices, while observing privacy.

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