The known purified mammalian 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductases are mitochondrial isoenzymes.

The aim of this work was to determine the subcellular location of mammalian 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase, a key enzyme for degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids by beta-oxidation. The enzyme was purified according to Kimura et al. (J Biochem 96:1463, 1984), and antibodies were raised in rabbits. Monospecific antibodies were obtained via purification on an affinity column. Immunoblotting of isolated rat liver mitochondria and peroxisomes with the monospecific reductase antibody showed that the antigen was located only in mitochondria. Immunocytochemical experiments with liver tissue, using the protein A-gold labeling technique, confirmed this result. The similarity of their characteristics suggests that the purified reductases described in the literature are the same isoenzyme. Consequently, since the rat enzyme was localized here to the mitochondria, purification and characterization of peroxisomal mammalian reductases remain to be achieved in the future. In addition, a significant induction also of mitochondrial reductase by clofibrate was observed in the immunoblotting experiments.