Some of the basic material contained in this report originally was prepared in 1952 as instructional handouts for ground-water short courses and for training of foreign participants. The material has been revised and expanded and is presented in the present form to make it more readily available to the field hydrologist. Illustrations now present published examples of the applications suggested in the 1952 material. For small areas, a field pumping test is sufficient to predict the characteristics of an aquifer. With a large area under study, the aquifer properties must be determined at many different locations and it is not usually economically feasible to make sufficient field tests to define the aquifer properties in detail for the whole aquifer. By supplementing a few field tests with laboratory permeability data and geologic interpretation, more point measurements representative of the hydrologic properties of the aquifer may be obtained. A sufficient number of samples seldom can be obtained to completely identify the permeability or transmissibility in detail for a project area. However, a few judiciously chosen samples of high quality, combined with good geologic interpretation, often will permit the extrapolation of permeability information over a large area with a fair degree of reliability. The importance of adequate geologic information, as well as the importance of collecting samples representative of at least all major textural units lying within the section or area of study, cannot be overemphasized.