Treatment of Thyrotoxic Hypercalcemia with Propranolol

A noteworthy elevation in mean total and ionized serum calcium concentration has previously been documented in hyperthyroidism.1 2 3 Numerous cases of overt hypercalcemia in hyperthyroidism also have been reported,4 the frequency being at least 8 per cent.3 The degree of hypercalcemia is usually mild. Occasionally, however, patients have symptoms attributable to hypercalcemia, and acute therapy to lower the serum calcium is indicated. The usefulness of propranolol in correcting the hypercalcemia of hyperthyroidism was evaluated in the following two patients with this condition.MethodsPatientsA 24-year-old woman (Case 1) and a 64-year-old woman (Case 2) gave similar histories of weight loss, weakness, . . .