Equations and calculations of product yields and preferred pathways for butanediol and mixed-acid fermentations

Using the available information of fermentation biochemistry, fermentation (stoichiometric) equations are derived for anaerobic saccharolytic fermentations of butanediol and mixed acids. The equations describe the interrelations among the fermentation products, biomass, and consumed substrate (glucose). The validity of the equations is tested using a variety of batch data from the literature. The validity of the equations is expected to extend to steady-state and transient fermentations, as well. Uses, improvements, and extensions of the equations are also discussed in detail. Among others, it is shown that the equations are useful for checking the consistency of experimental data, for calculating maximal yields and selectivities for the fermentation products, and calculating the extent of utilization of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway versus the Hexose Monophosphate pathway of glucose utilization.