Utilization of the L- and DL-Isomers of α-Keto-β-methylvaleric Acid by Rats and Comparative Efficacy of the Keto Analogs of Branched-Chain Amino Acids Provided as Ornithine, Lysine and Histidine Salts

Three experiments were conducted to quantitatively evaluate the growth-promoting capacity of α-keto analogs of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). Basal chemically defined diets were formulated to be singly deficient in the BCAA under study; analogs therefore were evaluated as sources of supplemental amino acid activity. Analogs of isoleucine tested included α-keto-β-L-methylvalerate (L-KMV) as the Na salt (L-KMV-Na) and α-keto-β-DL-methylvalerate (DL-KMV) as the Na (DL-KMV-Na), ornithine (DL-KMV-Orn)and lysine (DL-KMV-Lys) salts. Sloperatio efficacy values were L-KMV-Na, 65%; DL-KMV-Na, 44%; DL-KMV-Orn, 41%; DL-KMV-Lys, 43%. Alloisoleucine accumulated in the plasma of rats fed all sources of KMV, but its concentration was three times greater when DL-KMV was fed than when L-KMV was fed. The analog of valine tested was α-ketolsovalerate as the omithine (KIV-Orn), lysine (KIC-Lys) and histidine (KIC-His) salts with resulting efficacies of 50, 38 and 49%, respectively. Slope-ratio efficacies of KIC-Orn and KIC-His were statistically similar and efficacy of KIC-Lys was inferior to both KIC-Orn and KIC-His.