Paramagnetic Resonance of Trivalent Manganese in Rutile (TiO2)

An analysis has been made of the paramagnetic resonance spectrum of Mn3+, 3d4, in rutile. The spectrum at 4.2°K can be fitted to a spin Hamiltonian with S=2; gz=1.99(±0.01); gxy=2.00(±0.02); D=3.4 cm1(±0.1); |E|=0.116 cm1(±0.001); a=0.13 cm1(±0.02); |Ax|=84.5(±2.0)×104 cm1; |Az|=52.8(±0.5)×104 cm1; |Ac|=80.6(±1.0)×104 cm1. The quartic term a, previously observed only in the 3d5 group has now also been detected for 3d4. The value of a for Mn3+ exceeds that for Mn2+ and Fe3+ systems (3d5) by factors of 60 and 4, respectively. The constants g, D, and A are in good agreement with theory. From the hyperfine splitting data a value of 3.2 a.u.3 was obtained for r3; this is about 30% below that calculated for the free Mn3+ ion. The S-electron contribution to the hfs, κ, was derived to be +0.52. Mn3+ has large zero-field splittings (the outer splitting is 412 kMc/sec), fairly long relaxation times, and narrow resonance lines and may be an appropriate material for masers operating at submillimeter wavelengths.

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