Histochemical Studies on Glycogen in the Cochlea of the Normal Guinea Pig

In normal guinea pigs PAS staining of the cochlea, in toto or in paraffin sections (running positive and negative controls), was performed after various forms of postmortal and intravital fixation. Alcohol 95 % is considered to afford the most constant fixation of glycogen. Intravital fixation gives more reliable results than postmortal fixation. Decalcification in strong acids is inapplicable for glycogen studies, for which microdissection or decalcification in Jenkins' solution has to be used. In the spiral ganglion glycogen was present in relatively few cells. In the organ of Corti glycogen is constantly present in the outer hair cells, decreasing from the apical to the basal turn. Only a few guinea pigs showed glycogen in a few of the inner hair cells.