Epilepsia Partialis Continua

EPILEPSIA partialis continua (EPC), or Kojewnikoff's syndrome, was first described in 1985.1 In Kojewnikoff's original report he concluded without neuropathological evidence that the seizures arise in the cortex in association with a localized encephalitis. Later, Omorokow,2 in a series of 52 patients with EPC, came to the same conclusion on the basis of numerous biopsies of the cortex. However, subsequent reports have not borne out the Russian opinion that EPC is referable to encephalitis; the syndrome has been reported to be caused by many different factors, and the cortical and subcortical origin of the seizures is still a subject of discussion. The definition of EPC is not exactly the same in the various papers. By EPC we mean clonic muscular twitching repeated at fairly regular short intervals in one part of the body for a period of days or weeks. Each twitch is an abrupt jerk lasting