Cultured preadipose 3T3 cells undergo a process of differentiation in which they convert to adipose cells. Growth hormone promotes this conversion. Since 3T3 sublines vary in their susceptibility to adipose conversion, it was of interest to examine the properties of the growth hormone receptors in relation to that susceptibility. It was found that preadipose 3T3‐F442A cells, which are able to convert to adipose cells with high frequency, are able to bind about 104 growth hormone molecules per cell with Kd ∼︁ 10−9M. After adipose conversion, no appreciable change in hormone binding was detected. The binding of growth hormone to 3T3‐C2 cells (a line virtually insusceptible to adipose conversion) was indistinguishable from that to 3T3‐F442A cells. Internalization and degradation of the hormone were also similar in the two cell lines. Susceptibility to adipose conversion is therefore not determined by the relative ability of the cells to bind or degrade the hormone, but must instead depend on some response, as yet unidentified, that follows binding of the hormone.