Desensitization and physiological arousal.

Obtained fear hierarchies from 40 male undergraduates selected for 1 or more standard deviations on the MA scale. Fear scenes were determined representing either 100 (high fear) or 25 (low fear) on the subjective anxiety scale. Ss then received 2 training sessions in progressive relaxation or a control relaxation procedure. Both techniques resulted in decreased autonomic, EMG, and behavioral tension, with no differences due to type of training. After termination of the relaxation training, the fear scene determined in the initial session was read to each S, and he was asked to imagine himself in that situation across 5 vicarious presentations of the scene. The major finding was habituation in skin conductance as a function of successive presentations. Central vs. peripheral control of anxiety is discussed. (22 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)