Magnetic Ordering in RbNiCl3

The magnetic structure of RbNiCl3 has been carefully reexamined by single-crystal neutron-diffraction techniques in light of a discrepancy between two previously reported powder neutron-diffraction results. Data were taken on a small single crystal at 4.5°K and were corrected for absorption and extinction. The results confirm the basic picture of a multidomain triangular arrangement with the moments lying in a plane perpendicular to the basal plane of the hexagonal crystal. However, a slight modification of this structure consistent with the symmetry and the presence of a small c-axis anisotropy yields a significantly better fit to the data. The magnetization was measured from 4.5 to 11.1°K [TN=(11.15±0.05)°K], and an attempt was made to determine the exponent β. The best fit to a simple power law gives 2β=0.50±0.03. However, a reasonable correction to the power law yields 2β=0.60±0.03. The Ni2+ moment extrapolated to 0°K is (1.3±0.1)μB, indicative of very substantial zero-point effects.