The charge-exchange scattering of negative pions by hydrogen has been measured at a bombarding energy of 150 Mev. The energy distribution of gamma rays from the decay of the neutral pions was measured with a lead glass Čerenkov counter at laboratory angles of 45°, 75°, 105°, and 135°. If the charge exchange differential scattering cross section in the center-of-mass system is expanded as a series of Legendre polynomials, the result is: dσdΩ=(1.00±0.03)[3.39±0.11(1.54±0.29)P1(cosθ)+(3.57±0.56)P2(cosθ)]mbsr1. The total cross section for charge exchange, obtained by integration, is then σtot(ππ0)=42.6±1.9 mb.