Buoyancy-induced flows in water under conditions in which density extrema may arise

The temperature dependence of the density of both pure and saline water, even to very high salinity and pressure levels, decreases at decreasing temperature toward an extremum. The nature of this variation precludes approximating the buoyancy-force density difference linearly with a temperature difference. This peculiar density variation of water has very significant effects, even at environmental temperature levels. A new equation has appeared which relates density to temperature, salinity and pressure with very high accuracy. Its form is especially suited to the analysis of convective motions. We consider here vertical boundary-layer flows. Analysis of flows arising from thermal buoyancy and from combined buoyancy effects shows the simplicity of the formulation. Relatively few new parameters arise. Extensive calculations for thermally buoyant flows show the large magnitude of the effects of the complicated density variation on transport. Buoyancy-force reversals and convective inversions are predicted. The latter are in close agreement with past experiments. A new Grashof number arises which is an accurate indication of the actual local flow vigour. The effects of specific temperature conditions are given in detail. The appreciable effect of the Prandtl number is calculated. Transport parameters are given for salinities and pressures up to 40 p.p.t. and 1000 bars, respectively.