F-Aggregate Color Centers in KCl

The equilibrium which is established between F and F-aggregate centers in KCl by x rays has been studied at room temperature. It was found that the concentration of R centers was proportional to the product of the concentration of F and M centers, indicating that the R centers are composed of three F centers. The concentration of N2 centers was proportional to the product of the concentration of F and R centers suggesting that the N2 center is composed of four F centers. The concentration of N1 centers was proportional to the concentration of M centers suggesting that the N1 center is composed of two F centers. The deviation from linearity of the NF2 versus NM curve is shown to arise from the presence of higher aggregate centers. Samples x irradiated at room temperature to establish an equilibrium among F and F-aggregated centers were cooled and the irradiation continued. The concentration of M centers decreased exponentially with irradiation time. The temperature dependence of this exponential decay time corresponded to an activation energy of 0.07 eV for temperatures above 100°K.