Vanadium(III) complexes incorporating the silylamino(disilylamido) ligand [(Me3Si)N{CH2CH2N(SiMe3)}2]2− [N{N″}2]2−. Synthesis and crystal structure of the dimeric, non-metallocene vanadium(III) hydride [{V(N{N″}2)}2(μ-H)2]

Three vanadium(III) complexes incorporating the chelating silylamino(disilylamido) ligand [(Me3Si)N{CH2CH2N(SiMe3)}2]2– ([N{N″}2]2–) have been reported. Addition of Li2[N{N″}2] to VCl3·3THF cleanly yielded the vanadium(III) chloride [{V(N{N″}2)Cl}2] 1, from which the vanadium(III) hydrocarbyl [V(N{N″}2){CH(SiMe3)2}] 2 could be generated by means of salt metathesis. Hydrogenolysis of 2 under dihydrogen produced the thermally stable, dimeric vanadium(III) hydride [{V(N{N″}2)}2(µ-H)2] 3. The solid state structure of 3 was determined.