Thick Target Bremsstrahlung Spectra for 1.00-, 1.25-, and 1.40-Mev Electrons

The spectrum of radiation produced by 1.0-, 1.25-, and 1.40-Mev electrons incident on a thick tungsten target was measured at 0° and 90° with the incident beam by a method involving the magnetic analysis of Compton electrons. The effects of electron scattering and energy loss in the target preclude any simple interpretation of this data to yield a differential bremsstrahlung cross section. However, an estimate of the spectra to be expected at 0° and 90° was obtained by combining the Sauter expression for the bremsstrahlung cross section with the available information on electron scatter and energy loss in the target and backscatter from the target. The reliability of the estimate is limited because the Sauter formula was calculated by using the Born approximation, the electron scattering calculations are applicable to an infinite medium only, and the backscatter was estimated empirically from Bothe's experimental data which were obtained with lower energy electrons (370 kev). Furthermore electron energy straggling was neglected. Nevertheless, the predicted spectral shapes at 0° and 90° and the relative intensities at these two angles are in qualitative agreement with the measured values. The absolute magnitudes of the measured intensities at both angles are about a factor of two greater than the predicted values.