Guanethidine in Hyperthyroidism

Guanethidine sulfate has been administered to 90 patients with overt hyperthyroidism. By virtue of its potent and unique sympatholytic effects it ameliorates promptly and effectively those signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis due to sympathetic hyperactivity without affecting the function of the thyroid gland. It does not produce mental depression as will effective doses of reserpine in this disease. It is tolerated in large doses by the hyperthyroid patient but not by the euthyroid subject. Therefore, it is recommended for use only in patients with moderately severe to severely thyrotoxic conditions. Guanethidine is a potent drug for adjunctive therapy of the more severe forms of hyperthyroidism to be used on a short-term basis, before or concomitantly with specific antithyroid treatment.