Kmatrix and unitarity constraints on off-shellTmatrix elements

A discussion of off-shell properties of the T matrix is given based on the damping equation and unitarity. The off-shell function ϕl(k,q) of Baranger et al. is shown to be ϕl(k,q)=cosδl(k)k|Kl(k2)|q, where δl and Kl are the phase shift and partial-wave K (reaction) operator. The ratio of the imaginary to the real part of the half-off-shell partial-wave T matrix elements is shown to be tanδl(k), thus providing a unitarity constraint to be satisfied by any approximate T matrix elements. In addition, the imaginary part of the fully-off-shell T matrix element is shown to be proportional to the product ϕl(p,k)ϕl(k,q). These results hold for both one-body and two-channel identical particle scattering.