(d,He3) Reaction onCa40and the Titanium Isotopes

The (d, He3) reaction on Ca40 and isotopically enriched targets of Ti46, Ti47, Ti48, Ti49, and Ti50 has been investigated. Absolute differential cross sections for a number of transitions were obtained over an angular range from 11 to 33°. The angular distributions are compared with distorted-wave calculations which use the optical-model-potential parameters derived from the elastic scattering of 21-MeV deuterons on the same target materials. The data for the elastic scattering are given together with the optical-model fits. The Ca40(d, He3)K39 reaction was used to obtain the normalization coefficients necessary to extract spectroscopic factors from the comparison of the measured and calculated differential cross sections. The results show that the excitation energies of the d32 and s12 proton-hole states are surprisingly low and increase with the number of f72 neutrons in the nucleus. In the case of Sc45, the d32 hole state which contains the full d32 strength is found at an excitation energy of less than 50 keV. The excitation energy of the d32 hole state increases to 800 keV for Sc47 and to about 2.4 MeV in Sc49. The excitation energy of the s12 hole state increases from 0.92 MeV in Sc45 to 2.1 MeV in Sc48.