Studies on Some Low-Lying Levels ofNe21

The Ne21 states below an excitation energy of 5 MeV have been studied via the Ne20(d, p)Ne21 and Ne20(d, pγ)Ne21 reactions with deuteron bombardment energies below 4 MeV. Angular-distribution measurements performed on the unresolved proton groups corresponding to formation of the 2.790- and 2.797-MeV Ne21 states display ln=0 stripping characteristics. Based on the observed relative intensities of population for these two states in previous studies, this measurement is interpreted as direct evidence for a Jπ=12+ assignment to the 2.797-MeV Ne21 state. Two-parameter proton-gamma time-coincidence measurements have been carried out to investigate the de-excitation branching ratios for the 1.75-, 2.87-, 3.67-, 3.74-, 3.89-, 4.53-, and 4.73-MeV Ne21 states. Proton-gamma angular-correlation studies were performed in a colinear geometry at Ed=3.0 MeV. The results confirm previous J=72 determinations for the 1.75-MeV Ne21 state and indicate a value x=+(0.11±0.03) for the multipole amplitude ratio of the 1.75→0.350 transition. They also indicate J=32 or 52 for both the 3.67- and 3.74-MeV states and J32 for the 3.89-MeV state. All radiations originating from the 2.790-MeV state appeared isotropic within experimental uncertainties, and the present results indicate only that J52 for this state. The results of these and previous studies are compared with existing collective-model predictions concerning the Ne21 nuclear system.