X-ray diffraction patterns of most of the graphite-FeCl 3 compounds show line shifts and line broadenings incompatible with the simple model of structure, the model of “stages”, used as a basis for investigations up to now. Instead of starting from the old model with its periodic stacking of layers, we now assume a one-dimensional disorder of composition, i.e. a disturbance in the sequence of the layers of graphite and FeCl 3 . The intensity distribution along the 00 l axis in reciprocal space has been computed. Shifts in the position of the reflections and different broadening of the various lines have been obtained from the calculations as functions of the type and extent of the disorder in graphite-FeCl 3 samples. It is shown by some examples, that the computed and the measured 00 l -intensity distributions possess the same features. Thus it is possible to identify the type and extent of the disorder in graphite-FeCl 3 samples.