The topographic organization of corticocollicular projections from physiologically identified loci in the AI, AII, and anterior auditory cortical fields of the cat

The connections of the three auditory fields AI, AII, and the anterior auditory field (AAF) with the inferior colliculus (IC) were studied using anterograde tracing techniques. Microinjections of tracers were placed at physiologically identified loci after these fields had been functionally mapped using microelectrode recording techniques. This methodology ensured that the injections were well within the borders of each cortical field that was studied and enabled the elucidation of the topographies of the projections of AI and AAF onto the IC with respect to their cochleotopicorganizations. The projection of loci in AI to the caudal aspect of the IC was in the form of sheets of terminals in the dorsomedial division of the central nucleus bilaterally and the pericentral nucleus ipsilaterally. The topography of projection with respect to the cochleotopic organization of AI appeared to be in register with the described cochleotopic organization of the central nucleus and the pericentral nucleus. The sheets of labeled terminals in the dorsomedial division of the central nucleus that resulted from the projection of single loci in AI were of the proper orientation to be continuous with the morphological laminae described in the ventrolateral division of the central nucleus. These sheets of corticocollicular terminals also paralleled the dorsomedial aspect of the physiologically defined “isofrequency contours” of the central nucleus. Single injections placed in AAF produced autoradiographic label in the IC that was of the same basic pattern and systematic topography as the labeling recorded with AI injections; however, it was much weaker. The projection from AII was to the lateral (ipsilateral) and medial (bilateral) aspects of the pericentral nucleus.