The lagged cell-transmission model (L-CTM) is an enhanced version of the CTM. Both can be incorporated into a dynamic traffic assignment framework for offline transport planning and policy evaluation and online intelligent transportation system applications. In contrast to the CTM, the L-CTM adopts a nonconcave flow-density relation, which can be used to predict the existence of rather dense traffic in queues coasting toward the end of the queue or to help disprove the existence of this phenomenon. However, this study shows that the L-CTM can yield unrealistic densities, namely, negative densities and densities higher than theoretical jam density, the former of which has not been addressed in the literature. To cope with these unrealistic results, this study improves the L-CTM by introducing one more term in each sending and receiving function of the model. The improved model, the enhanced L-CTM (EL-CTM), is proved to yield nonnegative densities not greater than the jam density but can still allow the use of nonconcave density relations. The EL-CTM yields Lighthill-Whitham-Richards solutions when cell lengths and time intervals tend to zero and includes the CTM and the L-CTM as special cases. The EL-CTM is also shown to give more accurate solutions than the L-CTM (and hence also the CTM) does under a small increase in computation time. Hence the EL-CTM is believed to be more suitable for both online and offline applications in the future.